"In my opinion, this is the best place to purchase honey and other honey products in West Kentucky. I purchase from here about every month. Chuck has and is always helpful with information and general conversation."
"I bought a couple of packages from them this year and I'm going to extract a full super of beautiful capped honey from each o..."
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"I bought a couple of packages from them this year and I'm going to extract a full super of beautiful capped honey from each of them this year. I've never been able to do that with any of the packages I've bought anywhere else! Great people with years of knowledge and the patience to answer any questions you may have."
"Went to a beekeeping event and they were selling all the necessary equipment to start raising bees. We are now going to learn..."
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"Went to a beekeeping event and they were selling all the necessary equipment to start raising bees. We are now going to learn about beekeeping. Very nice man explained basics to us patient. Try them if you're interested in beekeeping."